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- About the Film -

Rise of Fizzy Pop is a dark comedy that roots for the underdog and shows how the most vulnerable can find their own voice, with the help of the most unexpected. 

Fizzy Pop, wannabe musician, played by Big Brother winner and Brighton icon Pete Bennett, is an agoraphobe who hasn’t stepped foot outside for ages.  He is afraid of the outside world and what comes with it.  Trapped in his own domain, a small flat adorned with music memorabilia, Fizzy practices his music, day in/day out, fantasising that one day he too can confidently rock the stage. But his fear is debilitating, and he finds himself instead obsessing over his music and talking to his friends at home, Dexter his lizard, ’Dave’ the fridge, 'Goggle' his AI, 'Billy' his stuffed bear and his critical and sometimes downright awful ‘mate’, ’Shadow.’

One day, Fizzy goes to the toilet.  The toilet, aka ‘John’, offers him a wish and a magic pen that will enable Fizzy to write the ‘bestest most amazing song ever heard’ for the Battle of the Bands.; His ‘friends’ at home lovingly plead with him to stay with them, safely, avoiding the evils that lurk outside. Fizzy, having found the music but no lyrics, is still determined to prove to his friends and himself that he can and will get to the competition. Dexter, is hell bent on stopping him but Fizzy defies his wishes and escapes anyway.  A chase ensues and eventually Fizzy makes it to the gig but not after accidentally stepping on a snail on his journey.

Armed with exciting new lyrics and a burst of courage, Fizzy rocks the gig, despite Shadow’s put downs and negativity. Fizzy has managed to overcome his fears this time, but can he keep the voices at bay the next?

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